
Yosemite 2011



Saturday July 23, 2011
Tuolumne Meadow

Sunday July 24, 2011
May Lake

Monday July 25, 2011
Lembert Dome

I wanted to hike up Mount Hoffman but was unsure I could summit, or whether the trail was clear of snow.  Kathy decided to accompany me up the trail to May Lake - she'd turn around there, and I'd catch the bus back to camp.  The kids wanted nothing to do with hiking, so Kathy and I went alone.  We drove to the turnoff to the May Lake trailhead, and unfortunately the gate to the parking lot was closed, so that would add another 1.2 miles to the hike.  There were a fair number of mosquitoes along the road, and there were snowbanks on the side of the road.  The road ran up a small valley next to a rushing stream - still lots of snow melting in the mountains.

By the time we got to the parking lot, where the actual hike to May Lake was supposed to start, Kathy decided she'd had enough.  I kept going.  We hadn't seen another person on the road. The hike was more scenic than the road, but not by much.  Not terribly fulfilling by Yosemite standards.  I only ran into one person on the trail up - he had spent a few nights camping alone in the high country - still tons of snow up there, making the going quite rough. He told me I'd be in the snow shortly.

The view gets better once you get close to the lake.  There were snowdrifts all around, some up to 4 feet deep in late July. 

May Lake High Sierra Camp

May Lake High Sierra Camp

The High Sierra Camp was full of snow drifts, and it didn't look like they were going to try to open the camp at all.  About 20 people in 4 or 5 groups were camped on the lake.  I soon learned from one of them that the campground itself had only opened a week ago.  Someone told me the way to head up toward Mount Hoffman - he indicated there was lots of snow in the way.  I took lots of pictures, had lunch, and wandered uphill toward Hoffman.  At this point I had given up any thoughts of summitted.  Another couple in front of me on the trail reached the snow first - a huge expanse of snow, at least a quarter mile, perhaps a half mile, since I assumed you had to climb up into it to reach the trail up Hoffman.  I was not at all interested.  I also hadn't realized that the trail up Hoffman is not well marked, or apparently not really marked at all.

May Lake

May Lake

After another brief break I started back down the trail.  Once I reached the parking lot, I quickly spotted a trailhead marked 'Yosemite Valley 10 miles'.  I didn't realize the trail went to Valley, and was in disbelief that we were only 10 miles from the Valley, but I was aware of only one trail down from the parking lot other than the road, so I started down.  The hike was pleasant enough, but seemed to take forever.  It was supposed to be 1.3 miles but I eventually grew skeptical - it couldn't take me over an hour to hike 1.3 miles downhill.  Also, I didn't think I was going in the right direction.  My trail was supposed to take me east of Olmsted Point, but I seemed to be going west.  When I finally saw the road my fears were confirmed - this spot had to be well west of Oldsted.  I recognized the turnout from the drive up.  Sure enough the trail kept going downhill past Tioga Pass Road toward the Valley.  I later saw on the map that this trail almost parallels the road up to the parking lot, and meets up with Snow Creek trail. 

I had hike back to Oldsted, since that is the last point on the bus route, and I was almost positive it was east of us.  I was afraid it would be 2-3 miles, and I was tired of hiking, and it was getting rather warm.  I was able to make very good time hiking on the road, though.  I hoped to catch a ride, but I only ran into one car stopped on the side of the road, and the couple on the car would barely even rolle down their window - I didn't even bother to ask them for a ride.  I couldn't have taken me longer than 30 minutes or so to reach Olmsted.  A few park volunteers were waiting for the bus, and they told me it was running late - I replied "Good!" since I was catching it since it was late.  I made it back to camp with no further problems.

Saturday July 23, 2011
Tuolumne Meadow

Sunday July 24, 2011
May Lake

Monday July 25, 2011
Lembert Dome