
Alps 2023

Friday August 4, 2023
Monte Rosa

Saturday August 5, 2023
Saas Fee

Sunday August 6, 2023
Sommer Ringkuhkampf "Königin der Gletscher"

The wind was ripping up the valley last night, I had hoped it would clear out the clouds...
and it did!!!

I ran outside early to catch pictures, then showered and packed to leave, then headed up the Belvedere lift one last time for the pictures I waited 8 years for...

07:14 Alps time 23:14 California time

07:14 Alps time 23:14 California time

07:24 Europe time 22:24 California time
Dusty: Waited 8 years for the morning light on these mountains

07:39 Europe time 22:39 California time
Kent: Awesome!  And an early riser!  :)

09:32 Alps time 01:32 California time

09:08 Europe time 00:08 California time
Kent: Dusty, when are you coming over the mountain?  Im not sure what I'll do
Kent:  I've seen Grund so probably going to go up to Fee well before lunch and see about my room in that Swiss flophouse
Kent:  Weather is much cooler today
Kent:  Could still see my breath at 9a

09:39 Europe time 00:39 California time
Kent: Nice
Kent: Looks good there

09:35 Alps time 01:35 California time

09:40 Alps time 01:40 California time

10:00 Alps time 02:00 California time

I sadly said goodbye to Belvedere and started back down the valley to my next lift, the one that would take me back up to the Swiss border.

10:07 Alps time 02:07 California time

This is the start of the only trail that goes up the hill here - scramble up the embankment, then the trail is normal.
Go figure.

10:14 Alps time 02:14 California time

10:57 Alps time 02:57 California time

I had been watching the lift from across the valley to see if it was running, and I had not noticed it....
When I arrived my worst fears were realized.
The lift is on hold due to wind until at least 11am - I arrived at 3 minutes before 11am.
At least I made effective use of my morning and wasn't sitting here for hours.

11:00 Europe time 02:00 California time
Dusty: There's a mob scene here.
There's a line of dozens of people to buy a ticket.
Dusty:  I already have a ticket so I've placed myself at the entrance....

Most of the large crowd of people started hiking uphill after they announced the lift was still closed at 11am.
Some people headed to their cars.
Dusty: Roughly 4400' vertical up from here...
Dusty: plus another 3h down to the lake
Dusty: I'm not up for that @#!....

Last bus leaves Mattmark at 626pm tonight...

11:08 Europe time 02:08 California time
Kent: Oh damn
Kent:  I'm walking the high route above saas
Kent:  Nice!

11:27 Alps time 03:27 California time

Dusty: They just sent a gondola up empty!   Hooray!!!! Progress?

11:46 Europe time 02:46 California time
Kent: As long as you have paprika chips and think of everything in meters, you'll be fine
Kent:  :)

11:56 Alps time 03:56 California time

Dusty: Just opened up!  I am first person on the first lift!

11:56 Europe time 02:56 California time
Dusty: I was the only one here who didn't need to buy a ticket..
Dusty: since i am returning to Switzerland

12:24 Alps time 04:24 California time

Dusty: They've replaced the stairs at the top since 2015, was wood, now steel
Dusty: I am worked!

12:30 Alps time 04:30 California time

12:36 Alps time 04:36 California time

12:52 Alps time 04:52 California time

13:42 Europe time 04:42 California time
Dusty: Should be at Mattmark in just over an hour

14:14 Europe time 05:14 California time
Kent: That looks cool!  I watched a bus from Saas Grund headed there
Kent:  Lots of hikers jumped on
Kent:  Lots more snow in the peaks around Saas Fee than yesterday

14:53 Alps time 06:53 California time

I am at Mattmark, and I am worked!
Caught the bus packed full of hikers back to Saas Fee, then got my stuff out of the locker, found the hotel, waited with a dozen other guests for the owners to allow us in at 4pm.

16:19 Alps time 08:19 California time

Got my backpack out of the locker and got my room!

16:57 Alps time 08:57 California time

19:23 Alps time 11:23 California time

Had dinner and a beer with Kent!

Friday August 4, 2023
Monte Rosa

Saturday August 5, 2023
Saas Fee

Sunday August 6, 2023
Sommer Ringkuhkampf "Königin der Gletscher"